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歌曲《First Time I Met the Blues》的歌词完整版

发布人  jita123    时间  2023-03-01 18:00:10    浏览数 119    评论数 0

First Time I Met the Blues的歌词完整版,是Buddy Guy演唱的歌曲,发布于Sweet Nothin’s – Sixties Secrets,以下是这首歌词的内容:

First time i met the blues (我第一次遇见蓝调) – Buddy Guy (巴弟·盖)

Written by:Montgomery&Eurreal Montgomery

The first time I met the blues

People you know I was walking

I was walking down through the woods

Yes the first time

The first time I met you blues

Blues you know I was walking

I was walking down through the woods

Yes I’ve watched my house burning blues

Blues you know you done me

You done me

All the harm that you could

The blues got after me

People you know

They ran me from tree to tree

Yes the blues got after me

Blues you know you ran me

Ran me from tree to tree


You should a heard me beg

Ya blues

Ah blues don’t murder me

Yes good morning blues

Blues I wonder

I wonder what you’re doing here so soon

Yes good morning

Good morning good morning mister blues

Blues I wonder

I keep wondering what

You’re doing here so soon

Yes you know

You’ll be with me every morning blues

Every night and every noon

Oh yeah

歌曲《First Time I Met the  Blues》的歌词完整版


