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歌曲《Come Heavy Sleep》的歌词

发布人  jita123    时间  2022-10-26 00:05:23    浏览数 104    评论数 0

Come Heavy Sleep歌曲歌词完整版,是Sting演唱的歌曲,发布于Songs From The Labyrinth,以下是这首歌词的内容:

Come Heavy Sleep – Sting

Written by:John Dowland/Traditional

Come heavy sleep

The image of true death

And close up

These my weary weeping eyes

Whose Spring of tears

Those stop my vital breath

And tears my heart

With sorrows sigh swoln cries

Come and posses my tired thoughts worn soul

That living dies

That living dies

That living dies

Till thou

On me be stoule

Come and posses my tired thoughts worn soul

That living dies

That living dies

That living dies

Till thou

On me be stoule

Come shadow of rest

And shadow of my end

Allied to death

Child to his blackfaced

His blackfaced night

Come though

And charm these rebels in

My breast

Whose waking fancies doe

My mind affright

O come sweet sleep come or I die for ever

Come here my last comes

Come here

My lastly comes

Or come

Or come never

歌曲《Come Heavy Sleep》的歌词
原名Gordon Sumner,1951年10月2日出生于英格兰的沃尔森德。Sting的独唱生涯始于1982年,当时他是Police乐队的主唱和贝斯手。当年他还主演了电影《Brimstone And Treacle》,他在剧中还翻唱了由Vivian Ellis创作的30年代的民谣歌曲《Spread A Little Happiness》。这首歌的新颖风格和Sting的声望确保了它在英国排行榜上前20名的位置。在继续在各地巡回演出并与Police乐队录制音乐的同时,他还共同创作并参与演唱了Dire Straits的热门歌曲《Money For Nothing》并在Phil Collins的《No Jacket Required》中唱和声。\n 这张是斯汀2006年最新专辑。


