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歌曲《Makes Me Wonder If I Ever Said Goodbye》的歌词

发布人  jita123    时间  2022-10-18 13:23:11    浏览数 73    评论数 0

Makes Me Wonder If I Ever Said Goodbye歌曲歌词完整版,是Kenny Rogers演唱的歌曲,发布于Share Your Love,以下是这首歌词的内容:

歌曲《Makes Me Wonder If I Ever Said Goodbye》的歌词
by James ChrispellShare Your Love began a downturn in Kenny Rogers’ popularity. Comprised almost entirely of Lionel Richie songs, the album is pleasant, yet its adult contemporary pop direction was quite a departure at the time and was not greeted well with Kenny’s country fans. A miss after a long string of hits.\r\n


